速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardeni

Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardeni



檔案大小:39.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardening Guide(圖1)-速報App

The most comprehensive plant guide on iPhone!

Enjoyed by thousands of gardeners and landscape professionals world-wide, Landscaper's Companion is the #1 reference guide to all plants including trees, shrubs, annuals, and perennials. Containing information on over 26,000 plants and 21,000 pictures, Landscaper's Companion makes an excellent resource for the casual gardener, professional landscaper, aspiring botanist, or anyone looking for a simple, easy to use plant guide.

Landscaper's Companion has been highly rated:

* "Top 25 Reference App" in USA - March 2012

* "Top 10 Reference App" in Canada - April 2010

* "What's Hot" app in the UK Store - April 2010

* Featured on the UK app store front page - March 2010

"The search feature is nicely designed. You can enter 'cucurbita pepo' or 'zucchini' or 'summer squash' and the software will find the same vegetable." - Bob Tedeschi, New York Times

"Landscaper's Companion comes out ahead due to it's rich search features, custom offline content and nurturing instructions." - Brodie Beta, The Globe and Mail

"Just wanted to let u know this app is great. I have been looking for something like this for a while." - Daren, Deerwood Landscapes

"Gardeners who want a content-heavy app need to look no further than the Landscaper's Companion, which houses a large collection of data that spans 17 categories of plants" - Lauren Fairbanks, SheKnows.com

"Your app is great!!! As someone who works as a landscaper and nursery retailer/buyer this is most helpful for my customers." - Jessica, NM

Reference Guide Features:

▪ Plant Database with over 26,000 plants in 17 categories covering North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia

▪ General plant information such as USDA zone, sun exposure, water usage, growth rate, bloom times, deer resistance, and mature height and width

▪ Over 21,000 high quality images from around the web

Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardening Guide(圖2)-速報App

▪ Extensive Search Capabilities: search for plants by Common or Scientific Name, Sun Exposure, USDA Zone, Water requirements, Color, Bloom Time, Deer Resistance, Height, and Width

▪ Email Detailed Plant Information

▪ Keep a List of Your Favorite Plants and Email the List

Not only is Landscaper's Companion a great reference guide to plants, the Pro upgrade also makes a great tool for professional landscapers or serious gardeners. Pro upgrade features:

▪ Manage Multiple Plant Lists with Projects

▪ Add Your Own Plants

▪ Add Your Own Plant Pictures

▪ Keep Notes on Your Plants or Garden

Please note: the Pro upgrade is a separate purchase within the app.

Still more questions? No problem. Here's more information:

The 26,000 plants are spread throughout these 17 categories:

1) Annuals

2) Bulbs

3) Cacti

4) Conifers

5) Flowering and Fruit Trees

Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardening Guide(圖3)-速報App

6) Ground Covers

7) Herbs

8) House Plants

9) Ornamental Grasses

10) Palms

11) Perennials

12) Roses

13) Shade Trees

14) Shrubs

15) Vegetables, Fruits, Berries

16) Water Plants

17) Ferns

Sorry - we don't have any tropicals or orchids at this time.

Browse over 26,000 different plants by their scientific name and common names. View information such as water usage, size, and sun requirements. Most have a short description of the plant along with cultivation information, common uses, and any problems they may have. Most plants include beautiful pictures.

Additional plants and images are added periodically for FREE!

Like us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/landscaperscompanion) and follow us on Twitter at @landscaperscomp

Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardening Guide(圖4)-速報App

Please take a moment to leave a review with your positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. Please note: we're unable to respond to your comments directly - please email support@landscaperscompanion.com if you have problems with the app.

Please Note: Internet access is required to download plant images.

Landscaper's Companion - Plant & Gardening Guide(圖5)-速報App
